European Group of Public Law: Reunion 2024

We are pleased to announce the 2024 Annual Reunion of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL)  scheduled to take place at the premises of European Public Law Organization in Legraina, from 13-15 September 2024. The Reunion of the European Group of Public Law, which serves as the European Scientific Council of the EPLO, will gather public law academics, high court judges and public law practitioners from all over the world.

2024 Provisional Programme


9.15-13.00 First session / Première session

President / Président:

World Security
General Introduction / Introduction générale
The Vulnerability of the Human Subject – Narratives and Concepts in EU Law
Prof. Martin Nettesheim, University Tübingen, Germany

Conflict in Middle East, Israel and Palestine and its Developments
Prof. Anikó Szalai, University of Szeged, Hungary

UN Failure and EU initiatives
Prof. Edoardo Chiti, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Inter arma enim silent leges – The Rule of Law during Armed Conflicts
Prof. Rumen Stefanov, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria

13.00-14.00: Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00 Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président:

The EU as a Financial Intermediary

EU Spending power
Prof. Giacinto della Cananea, Bocconi University, Italy

The Politics of the European Budgetary Process
Mr Richard Crowe, Head of Institutional & Budgetary Law Unit, Legal Service of the European Parliament
Financial Sustainability
Prof. Alberto Iglesias Garzón, University CUNEF, Spain

16.00-16.15: Coffee break / Pause café

16.15-18.00 Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: Prof. Tiago Antunes, University of Lisbon, Portugal

The Rule of Law in the European Union

Populism vs Technocracy
Prof. Bertrand Mathieu, University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Former Conseiller d’Etat, France

Access to Information
Prof. Annemarie Drahmann, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Populism and the Rule of Law
Prof. Alfonso García Figueroa, University Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Rule of Law in Decline? The Quest for Progress
Prof. Marco D’Alberti, Constitutional Court, Italy

Rule of Law and Nomination of Judges
Dr. Miriam Meßling, Federal Constitutional Court, Germany


9.15-13.00 Third session / Troisième session – resumed

President / Président:

The Rule of Law in the European Union

The ECJ and the Compliance with the Rule of Law
Ambassador Nicholas Emiliou, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union
Acquis communautaire and Rule of Law
Prof. Maria Inês Quadros, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

The proportionality principle as a cornerstone of the rule of law
Prof. Tudor Chiuariu, Tito Maiorescu University, Romania

11.00-11.15: Coffee break / Pause café

Judicial independence and Rule of Law in the recent case-law of the CJEU
Prof. Nuria Magaldi, Unversity of Córdoba, Spain

The Rule of Law in relation to the Enlargement of the European Union.
Prof. Jaap de Zwaan, Emeritus, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

13.00-14.00: Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00 Fourth session / Quatrième session

President / Président:

14.00-15.30 Workshops / Ateliers (see detailed information annexed)

15.30-16.00 General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

Prof. Paul Craig, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

16.00-18.00 Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. Sabino Cassese, Justice emeritus, Italian Constitutional Court

Twenty-eighth meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2023; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2024 / Vingt-huitième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de la European Public Law Organization; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2023; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2024.

35th Anniversary of the EGPL / 35eme Anniversaire du GEDP

Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby
Prof. Mario P. Chiti
Prof. Paul Craig
Mr. Guy de Vel
Prof. Jaap de Zwaan