Thesis Prize

In September 1994, the European Group of Public Law (EGPL), the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), took the decision to establish the doctoral / postdoctoral “Thesis Prize” to be awarded, on an annual basis, to the best doctoral or postdoctoral public law thesis characterized by its European dimension.

The winner(s), selected by an ad hoc Committee by Members of the European Group of Public Law, is invited to the EGPL Annual Reunion (held every 2nd week end of September in Greece) and has the opportunity to publish an article based on his/her thesis in the “European Review of Public Law” a high profile periodical edition of the EPLO.

Conditions for Participation

Please read rules and regulation of The Thesis Prize here

Candidates should have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union. Other candidates will be accepted only if their thesis was prepared at a University or Research Centre of an EU country.

The thesis should be written in one of the languages of the EU. An abstract should be prepared in one of the working languages of the European Review of Public Law (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish). The candidates should be below 40 years of age on January 1st of the year of the competition.

Three hard copies and an abstract of the thesis as well as a CV, must be submitted to the Secretariat and a digital copy of the theses, as well as the abstract and the CV sent to the email:

Please be informed that the hard copies will not be returned to the candidates.


How to Apply

To submit your thesis you need to notify the Thesis Prize Secretariat of you intention to do so by 30 June 2024. The notification consists of an email addressed to for the attention of Ms. Alessia Fiumi, indicating that you intend to submit your thesis for consideration.

Please submit your thesis according to the conditions for participation by 31 July, 2024 to the following address:

Secretariat – Thesis Prize
European Public Law Organization
2 Polygnotou and Dioskouron St., Plaka, 10555 Athens. Greece