Pre-requisites and Procedure for Submitting Papers/Presentations

Call for Workshops papers/presentations

This year’s session opens its call for papers and presentations during the workshop session to the fullest representation possible from participating countries and institutions.

Researchers and academics are invited to express their interest to present their paper in one of the workshops and/or their interest for a workshop on a different topic of their interest that they will coordinate. In this case they should coordinate it together with a colleague of a different nationality.

Procedure for Submitting Papers/Presentations

Interested applicants should send an email to Ms Alessia Fiumi ( to express their interest and submit their paper/presentation by August 14, 2025.

Submission Pre-requisites

Each paper submission should be:

  • in Word, PDF or PP format,
  • in English or French
  • accompanied by a short CV in English or French

All papers will be published in the electronic proceedings in the conference website and a selected number of them on the European Review of Public Law as part of the publication of the proceedings of the EGPL Annual Reunion.