European Group of Public Law : Reunion Archives

The European Group of Public Law (EGPL), a European network of judges, jurists, law academics and practitioners, was formed in 1989 with the purpose of advancing and directing the development of European Public Law.

Friday 13 September / Vendredi 13 Septembre

9.15-13.00 First session / Première session

President / Président:

World Security
General Introduction / Introduction générale
The Vulnerability of the Human Subject – Narratives and Concepts in EU Law
Prof. Martin Nettesheim, University Tübingen, Germany

Conflict in Middle East, Israel and Palestine and its Developments
Prof. Anikó Szalai, University of Szeged, Hungary

UN Failure and EU initiatives
Prof. Edoardo Chiti, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Inter arma enim silent leges – The Rule of Law during Armed Conflicts
Prof. Rumen Stefanov, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria

13.00-14.00: Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00 Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président:

The EU as a Financial Intermediary

EU Spending power
Prof. Giacinto della Cananea, Bocconi University, Italy

The Politics of the European Budgetary Process
Mr Richard Crowe, Head of Institutional & Budgetary Law Unit, Legal Service of the European Parliament
Financial Sustainability
Prof. Alberto Iglesias Garzón, University CUNEF, Spain

16.00-16.15: Coffee break / Pause café

16.15-18.00 Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: Prof. Tiago Antunes, University of Lisbon, Portugal

The Rule of Law in the European Union

Populism vs Technocracy
Prof. Bertrand Mathieu, University Panthéon-Sorbonne, Former Conseiller d’Etat, France

Access to Information
Prof. Annemarie Drahmann, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Populism and the Rule of Law
Prof. Alfonso García Figueroa, University Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Rule of Law in Decline? The Quest for Progress
Prof. Marco D’Alberti, Constitutional Court, Italy

Rule of Law and Nomination of Judges
Dr. Miriam Meßling, Federal Constitutional Court, Germany


Saturday 14 September / Samedi 14 Septembre

9.15-13.00 Third session / Troisième session – resumed

President / Président:

The Rule of Law in the European Union

The ECJ and the Compliance with the Rule of Law
Ambassador Nicholas Emiliou, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union
Acquis communautaire and Rule of Law
Prof. Maria Inês Quadros, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

The proportionality principle as a cornerstone of the rule of law
Prof. Tudor Chiuariu, Tito Maiorescu University, Romania

11.00-11.15: Coffee break / Pause café

Judicial independence and Rule of Law in the recent case-law of the CJEU
Prof. Nuria Magaldi, Unversity of Córdoba, Spain

The Rule of Law in relation to the Enlargement of the European Union.
Prof. Jaap de Zwaan, Emeritus, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

13.00-14.00: Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00 Fourth session / Quatrième session

President / Président:

14.00-15.30 Workshops / Ateliers (see detailed information annexed)

15.30-16.00 General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

Prof. Paul Craig, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

16.00-18.00 Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. Sabino Cassese, Justice emeritus, Italian Constitutional Court

Twenty-eighth meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2023; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2024 / Vingt-huitième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de la European Public Law Organization; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2023; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2024.

35th Anniversary of the EGPL / 35eme Anniversaire du GEDP

Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby
Prof. Mario P. Chiti
Prof. Paul Craig
Mr. Guy de Vel
Prof. Jaap de Zwaan

Friday 15 September

9.15-13.00 First session / Première session

President / Président:

Technology and fundamental rights – Digital constitutionalism

The Internal market as the ‘platform’ for digital legislation: competence and fundamental rights
Prof. Ton van den Brink & Prof. Sybe de Vries, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

New and old rights in a digital world
Prof. Ana Maria Guerra MartinsJudge, European Court of Human Rights

11.00-11.15 Coffee break / Pause café

Freedom of expression, hate speech, fake news in a comparative perspective
Prof. Aniko SzalaiUniversity of Szeged, Hungary

Challenges of Digital Constitutionalism
Prof. Argelia Queralt JiménezUniversity of Barcelona, Constitutional Court, Spain

13.00-14.00 Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-17.30 Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président:

Technology and fundamental rights – Artificial Intelligence

Regulation and coregulation (and selfregulation?)

15.30-15.45: Coffee break / Pause café

European proposal for an AI regulation
Prof. Alicia Saavedra-BazagaCUNEF, Spain
Administrative Governance of AI in the European Union
Prof. Arne PilniokHumboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany

European proposal for an AI regulation
Prof. Johannes

EichenhoferUniversity of Leipzig, Germany


Saturday 16 September

9.15-13.00 Third session / Troisième session

President / Président:

Technology and public administration – Digital State

The evolution of the digital State
Prof. Lorenzo CasiniMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy

New and old administrations vis a vis digitalization
Prof. Miguel Prata RoqueUniversity of Lisbon, Portugal

Justification of automated decisions
Prof. Leonor Moral SorianoUniversity of Granada, Spain

Digital justice

A robot judge?

14.00-16.00 Fourth session / Quatrième session

President / Président

14.00-15.30 Workshops / Ateliers:

Administration 4.0
• Algorithmic administration in different countries
• Digital citizenship and public services
• Public adminsitrations on the Cloud
• E-procurement
• The new administration of cybersecurity

15.30-16.00 General Conclusions

Prof. Daria de PretisJudge, Italian Constitutional Court

16.00-17.30 Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. Sabino CasseseJustice emeritus, Italian Constitutional Court

Twenty-seventh meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2022; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2023 / Vingt-septe réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de la European Public Law Organization; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2022; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2023.

Friday 09 September

09.15-13.00    First session / Première session

President / Président: 
Climate Change: New Challenges to Global and European Public Law / Changement climatique: Nouveaux défis au droit public mondial et européen

“Climate Change: A View from Science and its Role to Foster Global Action”, Prof. Antonio NavarraUniversity of Bologna, Italy

“From Río to Paris: The Glasgow Climate Pact and the Main Policy and Legal Challenges at Global, Regional, National and Local Level”, Prof. Rui Lanceiro, 
University of Lisbon, Portugal

11.00-11.15   Coffee break / Pause café

“Climate Change and a Global Pact for the Environment”, Prof. Yann Aguila, Attorney-at-Law, France

“The EU and National Legal Response to Climate Change Challenges”, Prof. Katerina Iliadou
National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece

13.00-14.00   Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-17.30    Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président: 
Climate Change Governance and Decision-making / Gouvernance du changement climatique et prise de décisions

“Climate Change Governance: A Constellation of Public and Private Actors”, Prof. Eser KarakaşTurkey

“The Challenges of the Eastern European States in Building Climate Resilience – Tendencies and New Happenings”, Dr. Orsolya Johanna Sziebig PhD, University of Szeged, Hungary

15.30-15.45   Coffee break / Pause café

“Policy and Legal Instruments to Build Resilience to Climate Change and to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions: From Global Mandates to National and Local Implementation”, Prof. Dario BevilacquaUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

“Climate Governance and New Challenges to the so-called ‘Environmental Democracy'”, Prof. Carmen Plaza Martín
Constitutional Court, Spain


Saturday 10 September

09.15-13.00    Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: Prof. Giacinto della CananeaBocconi University, Italy
Effective Judicial Review of Public Action or Inaction related to Climate Change Law / Contrôle juridictionnel efficace de l’action ou de l’inaction publique relatif au droit du changement climatique

“The Emergence and the Potential of Climate Law Litigation”Prof. Francisco Velasco & Prof. Sofia SimouAutonomous University of Madrid, Spain

“Climate Change Litigation: The Enforcement of Climate Change Law and the New Challenges to Judicial Protection of Conflicting Interests”Prof. Maurizia de BellisUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

“Protecting Human Rights through Climate Law Litigation”Prof. Thomas Groß, University of Osnabrück, Germany

11.00-11.15     Coffee break / Pause café

“The Limits of Growth as Regulatory Challenge. Lessons from the Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Climate Protection”, Prof. Ekkehard HofmannUniversity of Trier, Germany

“The Role of Arbitration in Climate Change Disputes”
Prof. Elisa Scotti, University of Macerata, Italy

“From Root Causes to Solution, the Driving Force of our Consumption and Production Patterns”, Dr. Arab Hoballah, Executive Director of SEED, ex-Chief SCP UNEP, Lebanon

13.00-14.00     Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00     Fourth session / Quatrième session       

President / Président:

14.00-15.00     Workshops / Ateliers

15.30-16.00    General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

Dr. Arab HoballahExecutive Director of SEED, ex-Chief SCP UNEP, Lebanon

16.00-18.00     Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. Sabino Cassese, Justice emeritus, Italian Constitutional Court
Twenty-seventh meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2021; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2022; Other administrative matters / Vingt-septième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de la European Public Law Organization; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2021; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2022; Autres questions administratives.

Friday 09 September

09.15-13.00    First session / Première session

President / Président: Prof. Bertrand Mathieu, University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France
General Introduction: The State in Emergency Situations // Introduction générale: L’Etat en cas d’urgence

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Martin Nettesheim, University of Tübingen, Germany
Prof. Susana de la Sierra, 
University Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Prof. Matteo Gnes, 
University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy

13.00-14.00   Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-17.30    Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président: Prof. Flora GoudappelUniversity of Curaçao, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Emergency powers and rights/duties of citizens // Pouvoirs exceptionnels et droits/devoirs des citoyens

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Spyridon Vlachopoulos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Patricia Jonason, Södertörn University, Sweden & Prof. Emmanuel Cartier, Université Lille, France
Prof. Isabel Maravall, Loyola University, Spain
Prof. Armin von Bogdandy, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Germany

Saturday 11 September

09.15-13.00    Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: Prof. Giacinto della CananeaBocconi University, Italy
The response to COVID-19 pandemic / La réaction à la pandémie de COVID-19

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Fabian Amtenbrink and Prof. Menelaos Markakis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Christos Gortsos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Michael Brenner, University of Jena, Germany

13.00-14.00     Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00     Fourth session / Quatrième session       

President / Président: Dr. Mafalda Ferreira, Attorney-at-Law, DLA Piper ABBC, Portugal

14.00-15.30     Workshops / Ateliers

Behavioural Insights, Law and Good Administration: Nudging and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Prof. Juli Ponce
University of Barcelona, Spain

15.30-16.00    General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

 Prof. Luis María Díez-PicazoSpanish Supreme Court, Spain

16.00-18.00     Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. Sabino Cassese, University La Sapienza, Italy
Twenty-sixth meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2021; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2021; Other administrative matters / Vingt-sixième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de l’Organisation Européenne de Droit Public; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2020; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2021; Autres questions administratives.

The 2020 Annual Reunion of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL) that was scheduled for 11-12 September 2020 will not take place because of the situation created by the uncertainty of the evolution of COVID-19.

Friday 13 September

09.15-13.00    First session / Première session

President / Président: Prof. Bertrand Mathieu, University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France

Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby : tribute to late Prof. Luciano Vandelli

General Introduction:
 The Achievements of National, European and International Law since 1989 / Introduction générale: Les réalisations du Droit national, européen et international depuis 1989

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Mario P. Chiti, University of Florence, Italy
Prof. Francis Delpérée, 
University of Louvain, Belgium
Prof. Olivier Dubos, 
University Montesquieu-Bordeaux, France

13.00-14.00   Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-17.30    Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président: Prof. Flora Goudappel, University of Curaçao, Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Interaction between National Constitutional Systems and European Law since 1989 / L’interaction entre les systèmes constitutionnels nationaux et le Droit européen depuis 1989

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Ferdinand Wollenschläger, University of Augsburg, Germany 
Prof. Krzysztof Wojtyczek, 
European Court of Human Rights
Prof. Martin Belov, 
University of Sofia, Bulgaria


Saturday 14 September

09.15-13.00    Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: Prof. Marco d’Alberti, University La Sapienza, Italy

Developments in European Administrative Law since 1989 / Développements dans le domaine du Droit administratif européen depuis 1989

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Giacinto della Cananea, Bocconi University, Italy
Prof. Patricia JonasonSödertörn University, Sweden
Prof. Hans-Christian RöhlUniversity of Konstanz, Germany

13.00-14.00     Lunch break / Pause déjeuner

14.00-16.00     Fourth session / Quatrième session       

President / Président: Prof. Georgios Gerapetritis, Minister of State, Hellenic Republic      

14.00-15.30     Workshops / Ateliers

15.30-16.00    General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

By / par: Prof. S. Cassese, University La Sapienza, Italy

16.00-17.00     Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. S. Cassese, University La Sapienza, Italy

Twenty-fourth meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2018; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2019; Other administrative matters / Vingt-quatrième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de l’Organisation Européenne de Droit Public; Rapport sur les activités de l’EPLO; Prix de Thèse 2018; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2019; Autres questions administratives.

20.00-21.00     Official Celebration of the 30 Years Anniversary of the EGPL in the Archaeological Site of the
Roman Agora of Athens

Keynote speaker : H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos

21.00-21.30     Music concert by Mr. Georgios Andreou

21.30-23.00     Cocktail reception at the EPLO premises in Plaka

Friday 13 September

09.15-13.00    First session / Première session

President / Président:

General Introduction: EU and UK Constitutional Issues; Withdraw from the Union with and without Agreement; State of the Negotiations between EU and UK; Remain after the Failure of the Negotiations; Lessons to Take from Brexit / Introduction générale: Questions constitutionnelles relatives à l’UE et le RU; Retirer de l’Union avec et sans Accord; Etat des négociations entre l’UE et le RU; Rester à l’Union après l’échec des négociations; Leçons retenues par le Brexit

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. A. Brewer-CariasUniversity of Venezuela
Prof. J. de Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. A. Guerra Martins, 
University of Lisbon, Portugal

13.00-14.00    Pause / Break

14.00-17.30    Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président: 

The Impact of National Referenda and Secession of States in the EU / L’impact des référendums nationaux et la sécession des Etats à l’UE

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. D. Feldman and Prof. V. FikfakUniversity of Cambridge, UK
Prof. C. ClosaInstituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos, Spain
Prof. E. KarakasTurkey

Saturday 14 September

09.15-13.00    Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: 

The Impact of Brexit into the Internal Policies and in External Policy, especially the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and EU Foreign Security and Defence Policies / L’impact du Brexit sur les politiques internes et la politique étrangère, particulièrement l’Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité et de Justice et les Politiques étrangères, de Sécurité et de Défense de l’UE

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Dr. C. Ladenburger, European Commission
Prof. E. Neframi, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Prof. Ch. Gortsos, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece

13.00-14.00     Pause / Break

14.00-16.00     Fourth session / Quatrième session                   

14.00-15.30     Workshops / Ateliers

15.30-16.00    General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

President / Président

By / par: Prof. J. Ziller, University of Pavia, Italy, President of Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE)

16.00-18.00     Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. S. Cassese, University La Sapienza, Italy

Twenty-third meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2017; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2018; Other administrative matters / Vingt-troisième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de l’Organisation Européenne de Droit Public; Rapport sur les activités de l’OEDP; Prix de Thèse 2017; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2018; Autres questions administratives.



Friday 08 September

09.15-13.00    First session / Première session

President / PrésidentH.E. Mr. L. TrócsányiMinister of Justice, Hungary

General Introduction: Protecting Freedom of Expression in the 21st Century: Same Values, Different Challenges / Introduction générale: Protéger la liberté d’expression au XXIème siècle: mêmes valeurs, différents défis

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. B. Diniz de AyalaUniversity of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. S. MoutonUniversity of Toulouse, France
Prof. B. MathieuUniversité Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France

Special Guest / Invité spécial:
H.E. Mr. I. JazairyExecutive Director of the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Adverse Human Rights Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures

13.00-14.00    Pause / Break

14.00-17.30    Second session / Deuxième session

President / Président: Prof. L.M. Díez-PicazoPresident of the Administrative Law Division, Spanish Supreme Court

Human Dignity and ordre public as Limits to the Exercise of Rights within European Jurisdictions? / Diginité humaine et ordre public en tant que limites à l’exercise des droits au sein des juridictions européennes?

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. Th. GroßUniversity of Osnabrück, Germany
Prof. J. O’DowdUniversity College Dublin, Ireland


Saturday 14 September

09.15-13.00    Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: Prof. D. FeldmanUniversity of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Freedom of Expression in the Internet. The Role of States, Citizens and Intermediaries / Liberté d’expression sur l’Internet. Le rôle des Etats, citoyens et intermédiaires

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. J. BarataFellow at Center for Internet and Human Rights, Europa University Viadrina and Research Fellow at Center for Media and Data Studies, Central European University, Spain
Prof. S. Vlachopoulos, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Mr. Nigel Hickson, Vice President, IGO (Intergovernmental Organization) ICANN, Geneva

13.00-14.00     Pause / Break

14.00-16.00     Fourth session / Quatrième session                   

14.00-15.30     Workshops / Ateliers

15.30-16.00    General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

President / Président: Prof. Ch. StarckUniversity of Göttingen, Germany

By / par: Prof. T. PerroudUniversité Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), France

16.00-18.00     Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Prof. J. Sérvulo Correia, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Twenty-second meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2016; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2017; Other administrative matters / Vingt-deuxième réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de l’Organisation Européenne de Droit Public; Rapport sur les activités de l’OEDP; Prix de Thèse 2016; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2017; Autres questions administratives.

Laudatio in honour of / en l’honneur de:
Prof. Robert AndersenProf. Il Han Özay and / et Prof. Christian Starck



Friday 09 September

9.15-13.30      First session / Première session

General Introduction: From National Membership to Territorial Belonging: The Rights (and Costs) of Immigrants Between Democracy (or National Self-Determination) and Human Rights: The Specialty of Migration Law / Introduction générale: De l’appartenance nationale à l’appartenance territoriale: Les droits (et coûts) des migrants entre la Démocracie (ou autodétermination nationale) et les droits de l’homme: La spécialité de la Loi sur la migration

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. M. BrennerUniversity of Jena, Germany
Prof. R. LanceiroUniversity of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. M. SavinoUniversità degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy

13.30-16.00   Pause / Break

16.00-19.30   Second session / Deuxième session

National Membership. Acquisition and Loss of Nationality / Appartenance nationale. Acquisition et perte de nationalité

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. E. ErsbøllDanish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark
Prof. F. GoudappelUniversity of Curaçao, Kingdom of the Netherlands


Saturday 10 September

9.15-13.00     Third session / Troisième session

President / Président: H.E. Mr. László Trócsányi, Minister of Justice, Hungary

Territorial Belonging. Inclusion and Exclusion from State Territories / Appartenance territoriale. Inclusion et exclusion des territoires étatiques

General rapporteurs / Rapporteurs généraux:
Prof. V. Beširević & Prof. T. PapićUnion University Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. J. De Zwaan, EmeritusErasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. M. Gautier & Mr. M. GuyomarConseil d’Etat, France
Prof. K. WojtyczekJudge of the European Court of Human Rights, Jagiellonian University, Poland

13.00-15.00   Pause / Break

14.00-15.00   Side Meeting: Human-Centered Business Model: Brainstorming Session

15.00-17.00   Fourth session / Quatrième session                     

15.00-16.30  Workshops / Ateliers

16.30-17.00   General Conclusions / Conclusions générales

By / par: Prof. L. M. Díez Picazo, President of the Administrative Law Division of the Spanish Supreme Court

17.00-18.00   Fifth session / Cinquième session

President / Président: Ms. Maryvonne de Saint Pulgent, Président de Section, Conseil d’Etat, France

Twenty-first meeting of the European Group of Public Law acting as the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization; Report on the activities of the EPLO; Thesis Prize 2015; Report of the Thesis Prize Committee 2016; Other administrative matters / Vingt-première réunion du Groupe Européen de Droit Public agissant en tant que Conseil Scientifique Européen de l’Organisation Européenne de Droit Public; Rapport sur les activités de l’OEDP; Prix de Thèse 2015; Rapport du Comité de Prix de Thèse 2016; Autres questions administratives.

Laudatio in honour of / en l’honneur de: Sir Stephen Sedley